This directory includes many new careers for use in your WFRP
Academics - Directory containing basic and advanced
academic careers
Ranger - Directory containing basic and advanced
Rogue - Directory containing basic and advanced rogue
Warrior - Directory containing basic and advanced
warrior careers
Cults and Orders - New strange Cults
In Progress:
- ArabianCareers.txt
All you ever needed for creating characters from Araby.
The article contains new basic and advanced careers,
career charts, and small changes to already existing
careers by Psychedelic Goblin
- Dervish.txt
Basic arabian warrior career
by G.G.Lepper
- Horsetrader.txt
Arabian career for the Old World
by Cyrus
- KamalukBodyguard.txt
Advanced arabian career
by G.G. Lepper
- KamalukWarrior.txt
Basic arabian warrior career
by G.G.Lepper
- Bard.txt
Celtic inspired bard career
by Ben Hudgins
- BehindTheScenes.txt
A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Look at the Underworld and
Covert Organizations in the Old World
File contains 2 new careers:
- Crime Lord
- Cat Burglar
Written by Alfred Nunez
- CareersCompendium.txt
Richard Miskin's Careers Compendium
- CombatMonks.rtf
New career combat monk
by Aldred
- DayAtTheFights.txt
"A Day at the Fights", "companion" article to Graeme
Davis` "Pit Fighters" printed in Inphobia #57. Article
details the Bookmaker and Stablemaster careers.
by Thomas Oesterlie
- DwarvenSlayers.txt
A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Look at Troll, Giant, Dragon,
and Daemon Slayers in Dwarven Society
Introducing two new careers:
- Dragon Slayer
- Daemon Slayer
Details the Dwarven Slayer god Throrin the Slayer
by Alfred Nunez
- MoreCareers.txt
Index of files in other directories containing new
- Sensitive.txt
A special basic career
by G.G.Lepper
- Steelclad.rtf
"Clad in Steel - Knightly Orders in the Old World"
by Psychadelic Goblin
- Steelclad.txt
Pure text version of Steelclad.rtf