
Talabheim, sometimes also known as the "Eye of the Forest", lies in the centre of the Great Forest in a vast crater making the city virtually impregnable. The only way in, short of finding a perilous route over the crater, is through the Wizard's Way: a half mile long tunnel which penetrates the great crater on its western face. The tunnel is big enough for merchants with great wagons to pass through, although not without expense! A small fortress lies at each end of the Tunnel. The city stands at a great river junction where river and road travellers meet before departing on their way north to Middenheim, east to Kislev, or west to Altdorf.

Talabheim is ruled by Duchess Elise Krieglitz-Untermensch and oversees the city's arcane laws and customs, which it is determined to hold onto as well as its hard won privileges. The two cults of Taal and Ulric are extremely powerful in Talabheim and even that of Ulric has more power in this city than of that in Middenheim. But the major religion is Taal, which predominates many of the names for things in the region: River Talabec, Talabecland, Talagraad, and Talabheim. It is said by many in the city that it is virtually impossible for anything to be done without the consent of a Cleric of Taal or Ulric and even the Duchess's hands are bound by all kinds of antiquated religious regulations, which gives the two dominant cults their power. And the priests themselves aren't above corruption; the High Priests of Taal and Ulric are said to be richer than the entire Krieglitz family.

Roots: The Talabec tribe.

Historical Notes: Talabheim was once the capital of Talabecland until 2429 when Emperor Dieter IV fled to the city after the Electoral Council's decision to remove him from the Imperial Throne. His descendents live in Talabheim to this day.

In 1360 Grand Duchess Ottilia declared herself Empress in Talabheim and outlawed the Cult of Sigmar in Talabecland (a source of much antipathy between the the cults of Ulric and Sigmar even today) by recommendation from the High Priest of Ulric. This resulted in many Sigmarite temples being desecrated and the Clerics being pursued and subsequently murdered by Witch-Hunters. The elected Emperor in Nuln began to gather his forces to wage war on the Talabheim "she-devil" but was himself invaded by Middenland.

Regional Saints and Heroes: Krugar, chief of the Talabec tribe and his son Talcred.

Military Colours: Red and white.

Settlement Name Size Pop Wealth Source of Wealth Garrison/Militia Notes
TALABHEIM CS 10,114 5 Trade, 'Services', Govt. 50a/150b/600c Capital of Talabheim city-state.
Talagraad T 1,173 3 Fishing, Timber 50b/150c Located outside crater on banks of Talabec
Klarfield V 70 2 Agriculture -  
Breitblatt V 53 1 Subsistence -  
Grundach V 46 1 Subsistence -  
Sumpfrand V 65 1 Subsistence -  
Vateresche V 58 1 Agriculture -  
Waldfahrte V 87 2 Timber, agriculture 10c  



Human Elf Dwarf Halfling Career
01-10 01-10 01-15 01-10 Bodyguard
16-20 - 16-20 11-15 Labourer
- - - - Marine
21-30 11-40 21-45 - Mercenary
31-35 41-45 46-50 16-40 Militiaman
36-40 46-50 51-55 41-45 Noble
41-50 51-55 56-60 46-55 Outlaw
51-55 - 61-65 - Pit Fighter
56-60 56-60 66-70 - Protagonist
61-65 61-65 - - Seaman
66-75 66-70 71-74 56-72 Servant
76-90 71-85 75-84 73-85 Soldier
91-95 86-95 - - Squire
- - 85-90 - Troll Slayer
- - 91-97 - Tunnel Fighter
96-00 96-00 98-00 86-00 Watchman


Human Elf Dwarf Halfling Career
01-10 01-05 - - Boatman
11-15 06-15 06-15 - Bounty Hunter
16-20 16-20 16-20 06-10 Coachman
21-30 - - - Farmer
31-35 21-25 - 11-20 Fisherman
36-45 26-45 21-30 21-30 Gamekeeper
46-50 46-55 - 31-40 Herdsman
51-55 56-65 31-35 41-55 Hunter
56-60 66-70 36-40 56-65 Muleskinner
61-64 71-75 - - Outrider
65 - - - Pilot
66-75 - 41-55 - Prospector
76-80 - 56-65 66-70 Rat Catcher
81-85 - 66-70 71-75 Roadwarden
- - 71-80 - Runner
86-90 - 81-85 76-80 Toll-Keeper
91-95 76-90 86-00 81-95 Trapper
96-00 91-00 - 96-00 Woodsman


Human Elf Dwarf Halfling Career
01-05 01-05 - 01-10 Agitator
06-10 - 01-05 11-15 Bawd
11-15 - 06-10 16-20 Beggar
16-20 06-20 11-15 21-30 Entertainer
21-25 20-25 16-20 31-35 Footpad
26-35 26-35 21-25 36-50 Gambler
36-40 - 26-35 51-55 Grave Robber
41-45 - 36-40 - Jailer
- 36-50 - - Minstrel
46-55 51-60 41-50 56-60 Pedlar
56-60 61-70 51-55 61-70 Raconteur
61-75 71-85 56-65 71-75 Rustler
76-80 86-95 66-75 76-80 Smuggler
81-90 96-00 76-80 81-95 Thief
91-00 - 81-00 96-00 Tomb Robber


Human Elf Dwarf Halfling Career
01-10 01-10 01-15 01-10 Alchemist's Apprentice
11-20 11-15 11-25 11-25 Artisan's Apprentice
21-25 - - - Druid
- - 26-35 - Engineer
26-35 - 36-40 26-30 Exciseman
36-40 16-40 41-45 31-50 Herbalist
41-45 40-45 - - Hypnotist
46-50 46-50 46-55 51-55 Initiate
51-55 51-60 56-60 56-60 Pharmacist
56-60 61-65 61-65 61-65 Physician's Student
61-70 66-70 66-70 66-70 Scribe
71-75 71-75 71-75 71-75 Seer
76-80 76-80 76-80 76-80 Student
81-93 81-90 81-98 81-98 Trader
94-00 91-00 99-00 99-00 Wizard's Apprentice